Application Overview
Landfill leachate is a high concentration organic wastewater with complicated constituents and a wide variation of water quality and quantity. In recent years, people pay more and more attention to solid waste treatment. Traditional biological treatment process has been difficult to achieve the desired effect, so that appropriate pretreatment steps needed to applied to improve its biodegradability for a better follow-up process and operating environment. Combined the use of physicochemical and biological membrane treatments together to landfill leachate treatment, can avoid the shortcomings of both methods. The channels of tubular membranes in the MBR system is big, can retain the sludge effectively and not easy to clog. The efficient interception of membrane makes the sludge concentration in biochemical tank higher, removes refractory organics effectively. The simple and reliable treatment has a long-term stable operation, and is now widely applied.
Process Diagram

1. Membrane with strong anti-fouling property and high regeneration performance.
2. High flux, is 6 to 10 times more than common submerged MBR.
3. Equipment highly integrated, small footprint, strong resistance to impact.
4. Independent running, high degree of automation, low cost of labor.
5. No discharged concentrate, water recovery rate is up to 100%.
6. Backwash is not required, only periodic chemical cleaning, CIP is easy and convenient.
7. Membrane is unbreakable, not easy to clog and has long service life; single membrane can be replaced separately.
8. Reliable operation, service life can be up to 6 years.
9. Easy to maintain, low maintenance cost.

Application Overview
Landfill leachate is a high concentration organic wastewater with complicated constituents and a wide variation of water quality and quantity. In recent years, people pay more and more attention to solid waste treatment. Traditional biological treatment process has been difficult to achieve the desired effect, so that appropriate pretreatment steps needed to applied to improve its biodegradability for a better follow-up process and operating environment. Combined the use of physicochemical and biological membrane treatments together to landfill leachate treatment, can avoid the shortcomings of both methods. The channels of tubular membranes in the MBR system is big, can retain the sludge effectively and not easy to clog. The efficient interception of membrane makes the sludge concentration in biochemical tank higher, removes refractory organics effectively. The simple and reliable treatment has a long-term stable operation, and is now widely applied.
Process Diagram

1. Membrane with strong anti-fouling property and high regeneration performance.
2. High flux, is 6 to 10 times more than common submerged MBR.
3. Equipment highly integrated, small footprint, strong resistance to impact.
4. Independent running, high degree of automation, low cost of labor.
5. No discharged concentrate, water recovery rate is up to 100%.
6. Backwash is not required, only periodic chemical cleaning, CIP is easy and convenient.
7. Membrane is unbreakable, not easy to clog and has long service life; single membrane can be replaced separately.
8. Reliable operation, service life can be up to 6 years.
9. Easy to maintain, low maintenance cost.